Discover the practical basis of eternal harmonic development,
learn the practice of reality piloting
and participate in the Global Salvation project



A graduate in mathematics and mechanical physics, formerly an academic in the USSR and a member in the New York Academy of Sciences and the International Academy for Social and Economic Development, he has long devoted himself to the study of other disciplines such as philosophy, medicine and psychology, with the aim of integrating science and human consciousness, unifying the fields of knowledge. In his thinking, words such as: self-healing, physical regeneration and immortality are not abstract concepts, but concrete possibilities, already available to each human being in the present. For the purpose of demonstrating this, he has devised highly advanced practices and technologies for piloting reality, which can be learned easily by everyone. He currently lives in Belgrade, where he continues to work on his project for the Global Salvation of humanity and the planet.

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At this stage of our evolution we are going through what all spiritual traditions call the "last times," that is, the time when a radical change is being prepared for humanity, destined finally to overcome all its limitations in order to open up to the divine dimension even in the body and in phenomenal and objective reality. According to the same traditions, a man is destined to embody this change, leading the process of radical transformation involving each person at all levels of his being: the physical level, the mental level and the spiritual level. Grabovoi demonstrated, also on scientific grounds, that changing reality is in fact possible and that consciousness has a decisive influence on matter. Consequently, when enough people, through a new way of people, acquire the ability to regenerate their matter and live eternally even in the body, then the planet and all of humanity can also be saved from self-destruction. All this is already possible through Reality Piloting techniques.

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We can change our reality ! We can change and heal our bodies, up to organ regeneration, achieve economic abundance, improve all aspects of our social, family, relational lives. The keys to change have always been in our hands. The method is what Grabovoi called "Piloting Reality," that is, the way to make conscious to our consciousness the process of creating reality, which is constantly renewing itself, every 10^-17 seconds, on the basis of collective consciousness. To learn how to do this, the best way is to take the certified courses of the Grigori Grabovoi Foundation, the main organization to spread the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi around the World. The Foundation has built a training track by selecting the best teachers, both Italian and international, to transmit in all major languages of the world the complete Teaching on piloting reality and eternal life in the physical body.



The Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi aims to transmit to human beings the knowledge that will enable them to save themselves from the possible global catastrophe, enabling each person to raise his or her own level of consciousness and consequently that of all humanity, achieving perfect health, physical immortality and eternal creative development. The distinctiveness of this Teaching lies in its absolute practical applicability and speed in achieving the concrete results it promises. Grabovoi has developed a specific educational program, accessible to people of all ages, backgrounds, social levels and educational levels

Pioneers of change

As has been the case in other major scientific and social revolutions in history, the pathway starts with a self-selected group of precursors, who achieve lasting transformations in the general fortunes of humanity.  In this age of very fast communication, the process comes to maturity in much faster times than in the past,  both individually and collectively, due to the continuous intensification of earthly and cosmic vibrations.


Spirit and Consciousness

The message is in Italian and talks about the importance of individual and collective consciousness as the ultimate foundation of reality. According to the message, this truth is increasingly recognized by contemporary scientists and has always been shared by people of faith. The message suggests that by changing our consciousness, we have the ability to transform the world. Grigori Grabovoi’s teaching is said to have the capacity to structure consciousness in a way that allows for radical and stable transformation of physical reality.

Science and Technology

Salvation is not only the result of our individual consciousness, but also the beliefs of our mind. Therefore it requires a solid and documented scientific basis, practically applicable and even technological.

Grigori Grabovoi s discoveries, patents and technological devices have these characteristics, as the results already obtained prove, and thus represent a sure path to the evolution of human beings on the planet and in the cosmos


Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Grigori Grabovoi?

Russian mystic, clairvoyant, and scientist was born in Bogara (Shymkent, Kazakhstan, USSR) on November 14, 1963. Graduated from Tashkent in Mechanics and Physics in 1986, PhD in Technical Sciences in 1999, PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences in 1999. Academic in numerous Russian and International Scientific Institutions. A growing number of people around the world recognize him as a contemporary Avatar (divine incarnation in Sanskrit). Here then find more information.


What is reality piloting?

The reality creation process occurs constantly, every 10^-17 seconds, and is carried out by the collective consciousness. Piloting reality is the way to make this process conscious to our individual consciousness and guide it in an uplifting way for self, loved ones and the whole Planet.


But are we sure that the method is certified?

Yes, Grabovoi has documented in a 3-volume work (the first volume is already available in Italian here) His results of clairvoyance and piloting of reality, and in another still 3-volume work the results of His early Russian students. All volumes are certifications of reality modifications (healings, modification of events, regeneration of organic and inorganic matter), by notaries, public and private entities, as well as individual citizens. Grabovoi has also internationally patented the two main methods of reality piloting and documented their scientific basis in Russian academic settings and specialized journals.