Grigori Grabovoi (Kazakhstan, 14.11.1963) is a scientist and clairvoyant Russian doctor of physical-mathematical sciences, doctor of technical sciences, academician, engaged throughout his career in various government programs especially in the field of space technology

A graduate in mathematics and mechanical physics, he was an academic in Russia and worked on major government and space programs.

Member in the New York Academy of Sciences and the International Academy for Social and Economic Development, he has devoted himself to the study of different disciplines such as philosophymedicine and jurisprudence, with the aim of unifying the different fields of human knowledge.

For his research achievements in the scientific field, he was awarded the Silver Medal from the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and the “Peter the Great” Medal for the Development of Science and Economics in his homeland.
In 2008 he candidate for the Russian presidential election, intending to lead the process of transforming consciences in political terms as well. Since then, he has been the subject of an extensive smear campaign by the Russian mass media.


extraordinary talents 

Since the age of 5, Grabovoi has revealed an uncommon intelligence as well as natural gifts of clairvoyance and remote vision that have also favored him in his own work as a researcher, showing him “the solution even before the problem.” Emblematic are the cases in which he was able to remotely detect anomalies or technical defects in the engines of nuclear and space equipment, remotely resolving failures and foiling major disasters.
Hundreds of people also claim, with authenticated testimonies, to have received from Grabovoi timely remote diagnoses, as well as healings from very serious terminal illnesses, such as cancer and AIDS. But there are also reports of numerous cases of total reconstitution of organs that have already been surgically removed and even of true resurrections postmortem

The Thought 

Grigori Grabovoi’s teaching builds a bridge between science and spirituality. Starting from the premise that consciousness creates reality, Grabovoi suggests and demonstrates that man, as an element of a universe in which everything is intrinsically connected, is able to interact with all the other elements of Creation, through the action of his own consciousness. Evolving into consciousness, it can therefore allow its physical matter to take on spiritual and divine characteristics, keeping itself healthy and young in eternity, actualizing (i.e., bringing into the present) any knowledge, faculty, or potential and piloting reality as well as individual life events. In Grabovoi’s thought, there are no insurmountable limits for human beings to achieve the highest development of consciousness, and consequently, even words such as: self-healing, physical regeneration, and immortality, are not abstract concepts, but concrete possibilities, already available to each human being here and now.


The practices

From his own scientific and spiritual discoveries, Grabovoi has devised advanced practices and technologies that everyone can easily learn and use for the development of their consciousness, access to the infinite informational field, healing, problem solving, piloting events and the very immortality of the physical body. Among these are the numerical sequences, which transpose into mathematical terms the frequencies of the norm of any living organism, acting on the brainwaves and bringing imbalances of body, mind and spirit back into harmony, restoring the original state of health. Even more recent is also the invention of a portable quantum device, called PRK-1U, which anyone can equip themselves with to speed up and enhance the process of reality piloting. 

The works

Grabovoi is the author of hundreds of scientific, educational and spiritual works registered with the copyright office of the U.S. Library of Congress concerning the structuring of consciousness and spiritual development, disaster prevention, bio-informative healing and total reconstitution of the human organism and any living matter.

Major books translated into Italian include:  “Resurrection and eternal life today are our reality”; “Unified system of knowledge”; “Application structures of the information-creating field”; “Number sequences for psychological harmonization”; “Regeneration of the human organism through concentration on numbers. “Numbers for success in business,” “Regeneration of the human organism through concentration on numbers,” “Concentration on numbers for food,” “Manifestations of eternity”



“The main goal of all my activities is to ensure eternal life for everyone even in the physical body.” 

“The main task of the new medicine is the immortality of every human being.”

“The main goal of all my activities is to ensure eternal life for everyone even in the physical body.” 

“The world is pilotable through the action of man’s consciousness, soul and spirit.”    

“Critical mass can be reached relatively quickly. When a large number of people have transcended this reality, applying my teaching, the new reality will assume the stability necessary for the salvation of all.” 

“The infinite future, which represents a higher energy level than we know, sends a huge flow of energy to the present, so the so-called quantum leap, understood as a very high intensity energy level will inevitably involve all of humanity. It is therefore necessary to prepare ourselves so that we can best cope with this great change that awaits us.” 

“The more people consciously participate in this process of change, with their own personal good will, the more a joyful social system will be generated, which will benefit from a new and special quality of joy, benevolence, and good disposition toward others. Objectively it will be a different social system, on a qualitative level, which will produce excellent results and good events.”

“Anyone can find the answers they need in themselves.”

“We need to understand that life is eternal in itself and that when the evolution of consciousness is tared on it, then this qualitative level of existence becomes accessible to all.” 

“The combination of divine spiritual action with available technologies thus makes eternal life achievable.” 

“Anyone who adds to this work will make a most important and invaluable contribution, to the concrete realization of eternal life, which is ultimately the priority of us all.”


“I suggest including the practice of eternal life in one’s “curriculum.” Just as one now goes to school from childhood onward to higher degrees of education, one needs to practice this new special knowledge, devoting time to it on a daily basis. This is the necessary vital level to ensure people get what they need most, which is, first of all, to develop their personal skills.”

They say about him and his theories


Angela Volpini, lay mystic.

"The idea that man can live eternally even in the flesh is more than just a theory. In my mystical experience I have been able to observe precisely how the human being is biologically designed to live forever even in the physical body and to remain eternally right here on this earth in a condition of health, fullness and happiness."


Valdo Vaccaro, philosopher, economist, and naturopath.

"Grabovoij is a master of new techniques and an icebreaker who opens up new ways for us. At last, someone tough and true, who is capable of blowing up all this entrenched old age of beliefs and dogma, who can combine scientific theories with spirituality and hard facts, and who has the courage and innovative spirit not to conform and not to resign himself."


Paola Amail, naturopath and president of the Theosophical Society of Aosta Valley.

"What Grabovoi claims, that is, that all potentiality is within us, for me is something established. As for the number sequences, however, let's say I'm experimenting with them to see where they take me. And so far the results have been encouraging. But if then it was just a simple placebo effect, that still would not detract from the effectiveness of these techniques."


Sergio Signori, internist doctor and expert in spontaneous healings.

"I do not know whether it is possible to live eternally in the body as Grabovoi says, but it is certain that we know only a fraction of what we could do if we believed. The fact that it is possible in nature to regenerate the body is proved by the fact that some animals, such as lizards, already do it spontaneously. I am more and more certain then, although we believe ourselves to be so advanced, that we are only at the beginning in the path of knowing our faculties."


Giulietta Bandiera is a journalist and writer.

"The aspect I find most interesting in Grabovoi is that he reconciles scientific knowledge with the exquisitely spiritual. And even when his theories are unfounded, I think they still have the great merit of creating a new thought-form imprinted with the infinite human possibilities, including overcoming physical death, which after all has always been our greatest aspiration. Consciousness creates the reality in which we live, giving it form and substance. Therefore, I am convinced that believing we are eternal, is the only possible way to become so, even on the material plane, albeit at different frequency levels, to obviate the problem of a physical earth space too limited to contain us."


Arcadij Petrov, Russian scientist.

“Grabovoi ha semplicemente creato una nuova realtà nell’ambito della conoscenza, in cui scienza e religione non confliggono nello sforzo insensato di monopolizzare la verità, ma si coalizzano per raggiungerla”..